Mindful of Christ

How to Set Godly Goals

So it’s that time of year again where most of us start setting new goals.

New Year, new goals.

But do you find you do quite well in following these for the first few weeks, perhaps you even get to February or even March?

How long do you stick with your new goals and plans?

What if I said there is a way that will help you to stick at them?

That way is with God. As long as He is our focus then we can do all sorts of things! According to His will, that there is the key!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


Throughout the Bible there are many scriptures telling us about God’s plans for us:

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

2 Corninthians 5:9 So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.

Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

But it is up to each of us to focus on God and learn about His plans for each of our lives. The following blueprint can help guide you in just this.


This acronym PAPAS ART is inspired and adapted from the known SMART goals. Here we combine the SMART criteria with bible based practices.

Pray: For God’s will within your life/ To guide your steps/ Whether He wants you to “be” (with Him) or  “do” (His will) at this time/ Ask him about particular situations & decisions. Then listen for His response.

Align: Do your ideas/ plans/ goals align with God’s word? If you don’t know, research in the Holy Bible. Speak to church elders/ leaders.

Peace: Do you experience the peace of the Holy Spirit around your ideas/ plans/ goals? 

Assessable: How can you track your progress? How many? How often?

Specific: Narrow down using the five “W” questions; 

What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it?  Where is it located? Who is/could be involved? Which resources can be used or which limitations might occur?

Attainable: Your goals need to be realistic but also should stretch your in your capabilities

Relevant: Are they relevant to the current season (day/ week/month). Is it worth your time? Are you the right person for the task/ idea/ plan/ goal?

Timely: Have a deadline, without a deadline people are less likely to complete their goals. 

Here is a FREEBIE for you to use. It includes the explanation for each criteria and a table to fill out your own tasks & goals according the above PAPAS ART blueprint. In addition to this  you will get:

  1. Monthly calendar to add your tasks, reminders, meetings & deadlines.
  2. To- do list.
  3. Monthly goals list. 
  4. Weekly goals list.

Hit the button below to go grab yours now. ⬇️

I began using this formula in 2021. I started by surrendering every area of my life to God. Check out New year, new you, same God. Since then, these last few years has been the most incredible ever! That was because, through submitting to Him, His will for my life was realised. I wasn’t useless, like I had previously thought all those years ago, I did have a purpose, despite what my situation & physical health looked like, God still had plans and I am praising and thank God every day. Feel free to check out podcasts and other interviews for more on my testimony on what God has done and is doing, with and through me to help others in their walk with God.

Job 22:21 Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.

But remember, we aren’t to submit to Him in order to get that prosperity and those blessings. But when we do submit & surrender to Him from our hearts, this is when God blesses us. It may not even be what we thought, imagined or asked for but His will, will always be the best for us.

So step off the boat and put your full focus and trust onto God, listen to what His will and plans are for you and then it is up to you to put them into action. Using the above blueprint can help you to do just that.

Create Godly Goals for 2024 and keep them!

Watch the Replay

You have a purpose!  Now the time to get the ball rolling!

This video will help you make plans, set goals and get organised in alignment with Gods will.

Do you want or need additional help with goal setting?


Jan 2024
This post has been edited, updated & reposted. 
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