New year, new you, same God

Start Something New

The start of a new year usually brings people to want to make changes; a new you. This is a good thing. But to do this first we must begin with the Lord; same God, He who is unchanging, He who is constant. 

Do you want to start doing something new?

Think in a new way?

Develop a new attitude?

Change your mindset?

New plans, aims and goals?

Do you want to know more about Jesus and find out what plans God has for you?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2


As just read, by developing this renewal of our minds we will be transformed and we can discover what God has in store for us, what his plans are for us.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
-Jeremiah 29:11


So turn your focus on to Him. 

(For more on how to do this, try Changing Focus- Psalm 4

Listen to what He has to say to us. Learn more about Him and His heart, plans, ways and what He wants for us.


Through scripture and prayer.

a message for the christian leader

Talk to Him, what do YOU want for your life? Does it align with His word? Put these forward to Him. Ask Him if that’s what He wants for you.

Ask Him what he wants you to do. Though it’s not about us. It’s about Him and other people – His children.

Ask what He wants you to do for Him and for others. Is there something you can offer, give or help someone else with?

Then gently try the handle of those doors, all the while asking Him that if it is in His plan for us that the doors would be opened.

That’s how I started this blog, my 1st post: New Beginnings.

Then if they do open. Step through. Try that new thing and be glad that it is with Him. Then praise Him. As Jesus IS the start of something new. And so you see, it’s a new year, new you,  but same God.

Are you wanting to start something new? Please do share below in the comments so we can be praying for each other.

Blessings xxx



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