Study the Bible with SOAP

Study the Bible with SOAP! Experience a deeper, more thorough Bible study using the SOAP acronym; Scripture, Observe, Application, prayer.

As soap is in our daily lives as a cleansing agent this version of SOAP can help to cleanse us too! By putting the following into action our mind, body, soul and spirit can be cleansed too!

Study the Bible with SOAP

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:8)

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” (Psalm 119:9, ESV)

You see, the scriptures themselves tell the importance of why we should study the Word. But first and foremost, it’s because it is the LIVING WORD OF GOD! Reading the books and chapters within it gives us life! The words written are God breathed. They are the source of why we are on this earth and how we can live this life whilst we’re are here. It is the key in discovering and learning about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how we can become more like Jesus. 

According to these verses we can use the scriptures to:

  • Learn, apply to our lives and teach others. 
  • Equip us for work & Gods purpose
  • Meditate on
  • For Godly prosperity and success
  • Give us light- to shine in the darkness
  • To keep us pure & righteous

All of which will help us in the daily battles we face and that of spiritual warfare; all those attacks the enemy might use against us and to prevent our walk and growth with God. By using the Word as a weapon we can build strength, faith, resilience and learn how to stand strong as a Christian warrior, fight the good fight and win the war against darkness.

Study the Bible with SOAP

Introducing SOAP



Find, discover, pick and focus on a specific scripture, verse, passage. Ask the Lord what scripture he is saying to you in that moment.



What do you notice? Make a note of people, places, key words. What does the surrounding text say? If you are looking at one or two particular verse(s) it’s important to know the context. You may have noticed in the past that some verses, if taken out of context, can have a whole different meaning from which they were truly meant.  



What is God saying to you? How does this verse or passage apply to your life right now? What have your learnt from it? How can you put it’s meaning into action today or this week?



Pray! Pray before and after, even during your study. Ask God:

  • To reveal to you the verse(s) meaning(s).
  • How you can apply what you have learnt into your life. 
  • To use his Word to transform you; to become more like Jesus.

Make sure to take time to listen to his response. Prayer, isn’t a monologue, it should be a conversation.

Study the Bible with SOAP!

So, study the Holy Bible for all it’s worth and use it to change and transform you so you too can know the Father, Son & Holy Spirit more and more and are able to stand firm in your faith.


Learn how to meditate on the scriptures, click to grab your FREE guide 'How to Practice Biblical Meditation.'

The new book ‘Battle Strategies of Spiritual Warfare’ is coming soon! Be sure to subscribe (below) & join the Mindful of Christ Community for updates.



2 thoughts on “Study the Bible with SOAP

  1. I love this method! You did a great job of unpacking it for us! Thank you!!!!

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